Woofi Welcome
Suzanne & Richard Geiss
Co-Founders of 
Because We Care Ministries

143 Mill Road
Schwenksville, Pa.
19473 610-287-6073
What We Believe
 "A Puppy With   
            a Purpose"

Suzanne on the Tony Kay show 
CHECK OUT all the books at the store they have received the DOVE award!  Start building your childrens library with character building stories that they will LOVE!
For 20 years Woofi has been a part of the "Because We Care Ministries"  A non-profit organization to share the "Good News" and bring comfort to people around the world.
Website Designed By
"IT Solutions That Are Affordable For Everyone!"
Woofi (R) is a Registered Trademark of "Because We Care Ministries" (C) 2005. All rights reserved.

We are a Pa. Registered, I.R.S. approved 501 (C) -3 Non-Profit Corp.

All check donations should be mailed to our address. If donating for the "Tinca Project, please note on your check. If donating for "Woofi" products, please go to "Store" Link and proceed there with your orders.
Our recent missions trip to the South and West of U.S.A. 2018-2022 have
Provided us many opportunities to share God's love through Woofi.
.****Please read important message about our Ministry on Donation Page!!!!
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