Woofi shares gods love sewed in under his ears for a constant reminder that Jesus loves you. Woofi has shared his comfort with soldiers, widows, orphans, and more, there are currently over 70,000 woofi over the world.
The Key To Christmas a Christmas Miracle
The Missionary Puppy Book
With every 2 puppies donated from your non-profit organization, the 3rd puppy will be given free to your non-profit.
Gabriel is fond in the Key To The Christmas Myrical Book (Product found below) Gabriel is an extremely adventurous little mouse whos edgenuity gets him into a variety of adventures with his best buddy Woofi.
Woolzee is found in the lost sheep book. (product found below) On her tag she teaches children to obey. Reminding them of love, obedience, serving, and learning gods way.
This barn carries Woofi and all of his friends, along with all of the books sold. Inside the barn you will find a special place for your all of your woofi friends. The books go on the floor and your buddies go through the door. The barn also holds a special scripture on the barn door.
This is the book that introduces Gabriel. This book teaches kids the true meaning of Christmas. Follow these two buddies as they travel from their cozy, warm home on Christmas Eve, to where they witness the birth of the Bab Jesus in Bethlehem.
This book is a Delightful, Heart warming Adventure Story, of how a curious little puppy, followed his puppy instincts in search for his mommy. He ends up finding Jesus an then goes on many aventures spreading his love and his word.
"If the money we donate helps one child, or can ease the pain of one parent, those funds are well spent."
This book takes you on adventure with "Woofi", the shepherd and the flock of sheep. It is much ore then just a story book, filled with great faith based story, Bible verses, discussion questions and a fun activity pages for your children.
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